

  • 2004

    The Prostitutes were founded in 2004 in Prague. Their stylish mix, based primarily on postpunk and is influenced by indie rock, country music, electronic, experimental and alternative rock, together with exceptionally vivid and energetic shows are the main reason why the band isvalued by music journalists and their ever-growing numbers of fans.

  • 2005 - 2009

    In March 2005 The Prostitutes were one of the first in the region to make an online release. Their eponymous EP. They became an overnight sensation and were playing large festivals long before any official release. At that time they did not have booking ,management, or even a label . There first album “Get me out of here” however was released in October 2006 with Championship records, who also later in 2009 released “Hometown Zombies” The album Hometown Zombies which was and is highly acclaimed by fans and critics alike had by the end of 2009 sold over 13000 copies and thanks to this got into the hands of a large group of listeners.They also won ALBUM of the year in Filter magazine. Producer Dušan Neuwerth (Tata Bojs,Vypsana Fixa, Kryštof, Sunshine) pushed The Prostitutes sound to a world class level and that is the reason for the albums success internationally receiving positive reviews in many European countries and overseas which opened the way for further international concerts including requests from such far away places as Argentina, Mexico, Indonesia and Uruguay. Whilst their EP got them on the map, “Get Me Out Of Here” and mainly “Hometown Zombies” made it possible for the band to build on their success at home and internationally. The Prostitutes had a successful tour in Spain, played a number of times In Austria, Slovakia POHODA FESTIVAL) and Germany. They regularly appear in the line ups for major international festivals such as Rock for People, Colours of Ostrava, United Islands of Prague, Trutnov, Planet festival and many more. They played main stage at largest gothic rock festival in Europe, Wave Gothic Treffen and in Berlin at the Berlin Insane festival in Volksbühne.

  • 2012

    Between February 18th to 25th, 2012, The Prostitutes recorded in Faust Studios in Prague, their third studio album under the guidance of one of the foremost world producers in alternative rock music, Youth aka Martin Glover. According to the band the new record will the live livliest, hardest, danciest and probably the darkest of their discography up to now. “We are looking for roots in the Berlin sound of the early seventies and the British post punk and gothic scene of the early 80s, but we want the album to sound like 2012” the band stated. The time in which we live has dramatically changed from our last Album Home Town Zombies, The world is tenser and there isn’t time to be tired with the surroundings , Its necessary to lift. That’s the way we feel it and that’s the way things have come through on the tracks of the record. They are faster, more energetic and some are darker than on the last record. Martin “Youth” Glover is a member of the legendary Killing Joke and together with Paul McCartney a member of the Firemen. As a producer he has signed his name under the most successful recordings of the likes of The Verve, Primal Scream,The Future Heads, The Cult and others. He has collaborated with Depeche Mode , Marilyn Manson, The Sugar Cubes, U2 or Siouxie and The Banshees, but also in his discography you can find names like Dido or Erasure. On the collaboration with The Prostitutes he was interested apart from other things in the combination of rock and electronic music. He also brought with him to Prague his sound master Mike Rendall who also guests on the album a number of times as a backing vocalist. The recording took place every day until the early hours in an intense atmosphere. Youth and The Prostitutes had only six days to make the album, before which they had a two days rehearsal together. The record will be mixed in London together with the participation of the band and will be ready for the realease party In Pragues Akropolis Club on the 26th of April.


  • 2004

    Skupina The Prostitutes vznikla roku 2004 v Praze. Eponymní EP dostalo kapelu na mapu, alba “Get Me Out Of Here” a především “Hometown Zombies” ji umožnilo rozšířit své domácí úspěchy i do zahraničí. The Prostitutes odjeli úspěšné turné po Španělsku, hráli několikrát v Rakousku, na Slovensku, v Rumunsku, Německu. Pravidelně se objevují na hlavních tuzemských festivalech, hráli na slovenské Pohodě, Wave Gothic Treffen v Lipsku, v Berlíně na Berlin Insane ve Volksbühne, v Praze na oficiálních oslavách 20. výročí pádu berlínské zdi nebo letos na bratislavské BatCave Party.

  • 2005 - 2009

    Stylový mix The Prostitutes vychází především z post-punku a je ovlivněný indie rockem, country music, elektronikou i experimentálním a alternativním rockem. To, společně s výjimečně živými a energickými koncerty, je hlavním důvodem, proč je skupina oceňována jak hudebními publicisty, tak stále rostoucími zástupy fanoušků. The Prostitutes získali celou řadu domácích ocenění – Album roku (Filter 2009), Kapela roku (Filter 2007), hudební klip roku (Óčko 2006), píseň dekády, top 10 desek posledních 20ti let a další. Písně kapely expandovaly i za hranice České republiky, hrají je (především studentská) rádia od Aljašky po Austrálii. Prostitutes se objevili ve španělské MTV a jejich veřejnoprávní televize vysílala záznam živého vystoupení. Německá rádia vysílají písně "Sunshine", "Don’t Give A Damn", "Leave It Like It Is a Boom". V listopadu 2009 se novým členem skupiny stal baskytarista Adam Piaf, jinak známý jako člen projektu Calm Season. Bez zajímavosti není, že věkový rozdíl v kapele činí 26 let a mezi členy najdete výtvarníka, režiséra, toxikologa, sociologa a kreativního ředitele.

  • 2012

    Koncem února 2012 nahráli The Prostitutes svoje třetí studiové album s názvem “Deaf to the Call”. Album se točilo v Praze, v legendárním nahrávacím studiu Faust pod vedením jednoho z předních světových producentů alternativní rockové hudby, Martina “Youth” Glovera. „Youth“ je členem legendárních Killing Joke a společně s Paulem McCartneym tvoří jejich vlastní projekt The Firemen. Jako producent je podepsán pod nejúspěšnějšími nahrávkami The Verve, Primal Scream, The Futureheads, The Cult a dalších. Spolupracoval s Depeche Mode, Marilynem Mansonem,Sugarcubes, U2 nebo Siouxsie & The Banshees, ale v jeho diskografii se najdou i jména jako je Dido nebo Erasure.